(bee breath) during the workshop.
On April 30th I offered a workshop called “Livestream your soundscape,” hosted by Venture Cafe Miami and MDC Live Arts. Here’s a link to the video. It was originally broadcast on Facebook if you want to watch it there.
A PDF of the slides will give you access to all the links. At some point the screen sharing function wasn’t showing my slides anymore so hopefully this can help you make more sense of all the steps in the process. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Grant Smith of Soundcamp in London is responsible for organizing a lot of the Reveil project, so you can also consult their website for more info. Grant deserves credit for initiating this network of information sharing.
Also, one correction: I realized today that the Locus Sonus app does not support MP3 without a different, more complex configuration. So please just use OGG. You can test your stream in different browsers to make sure it’s accessible.