The Lumière Brothers coined the term “actualités” to describe their early experiments with short documentary film footage.
These videos were shot in Iran and processed using analogue effects at the Experimental Television Studio.
About the films
Iranian workers shake out carpets and brush them off to release dirt and dust.
This video was processed live with special effects created on a Paik-Abe Raster Scan Device and a Jones Colorizer.
Sun Age
Iranian workers take carpets outside to be prematurely aged in the sun.
This video was processed live with special effects created on a Paik-Abe Raster Scan Device and Jones Colorizer
After weaving, an Iranian worker trims the hand-knotted threads on a carpet so that they are even.
The spin cycle during the carpet washing process in the Iranian carpet weaving industry.
Henna Wheel
This is a traditional Iranian henna mill, used to grind henna leaves into henna powder.